“The acid-induced reaction that converts oxime to amide is called Beckmann rearrangement” In the Beckmann rearrangement, migration of the group does not depend upon migration aptitude but depends upon the orientation of the group related to a hydroxyl group. In […]
[ez-toc] What are steroids? Steroids are a class of natural products which are distributed in animals and plants. Steroids are named after steroid cholesterol which was first discovered in gall stones from Ancient Greek chole means ‘bile’ and stereos means ‘solid’. Sterols, cholesterols, vitamin D, bile acids, sex hormones, adrenal cortex hormones, some carcinogenic hydrocarbons, […]
[ez-toc] What is citral? Citral is an acyclic monoterpene compound. It is made of two isoprene units. It is a colourless liquid. It is one of the major constituents of lemongrass oil. It exhibits geometrical isomerism about the double-bond carbons carrying methyl and aldehydic groups. Citral refers to two geometric isomers with names such as […]
Define : When an α-diazo ketone is decomposed thermally photo-chemically or catalytically and converted to ketone by removal of dinitrogen, it is called wolf rearrangement. The reaction was given by Ludwing Wolf in 1902. Reaction: When ketene is formed it acts as an intermediate for forming acid Ester and Amide. Mechanism of Wolf Rearrangement: Wolf […]
What are steroid hormones? A steroid hormone is a steroid that functions as a hormone. Steroid hormones are a class of hormones derived from cholesterol that function as chemical messengers in the body. These are produced in the adrenal cortex, testis, ovary, and some other peripheral tissues. All steroid hormones originate from cholesterol but differ […]
The reaction in which the conversion of amides to amine with one carbon atom less than the starting material in the presence of Br2 and KOH or alkaline Hypohalite is called Hoffmann rearrangement. This rearrangement was given by Agust Wilhem. Reaction : Mechanism of Hoffman Rearrangement: Step 1: Deprotonation of amide by Base (OH) […]
What are terpenoids? [ez-toc] Those organic compounds which are derived from a combination of two or more isoprene units are called terpenoids. Terpenoids form naturally occurring organic compounds, most of which occur in plants and some are obtained from other sources. These are volatile compounds that give odor and fragrances to plants and flowers. They […]
[ez-toc]Sugar industry produce one to two products and a number of byproducts as its main function is synthesis of sugar. Major product of sugar industry is sugar ( brown and white ), and major byproducts are leaves, bagasse, filter cake ( also called filter mud, mud cake or compressed cake ), and molasses. Products of […]