About us

Chemistwizards.com, founded in 2023, emerged as a digital haven for chemical lovers and chemistry students. It started with a commitment to provide an opportunity for the sharing of information, analysis, and educational materials while clarifying the field of chemistry. Chemistwizards.com is an energetic website that offers a wide variety of chemical information, including branches of chemistry, e.g., organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, environmental chemistry, nuclear chemistry, and industrial chemistry. This website was made with the help of students and professors at the Institute of Chemistry of the Islamia University of Bahawalpur  in Pakistan.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to create an online community where individuals can gain knowledge about, discuss, and explore the amazing mysteries of chemistry through the furnishing of exciting and instructive information. Chemistwizards.com focuses on drawing the mechanism of a chemistry reaction completely, the structure of the molecule, and making the understanding easy for chemistry learners.

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Our Rich Resource knowledge:

Professors Guidance:

  • Content developed with guidance from qualified instructors and field experts.

Study Notes:

  • Summarized and organized notes covering key concepts, theories, and principles in chemistry.

Textbook Reference:

References to and explanations of content from well-known chemistry textbooks.

  • Organic books
  • Analytical books
  • Inorganic books
  • Bio Chemistry books
  • Physical Chemistry books
  • Environmental Chemistry book


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