Wolf Rearrangement

Define :

When an α-diazo ketone is decomposed thermally photo-chemically or catalytically and converted to ketone by removal of dinitrogen, it is called wolf rearrangement.

The reaction was given by Ludwing Wolf in 1902.


Ketene formation

When ketene is formed it acts as an intermediate for forming acid Ester and Amide.

Mechanism of Wolf Rearrangement:

Wolf rearrangement shows a concerted mechanism (single step) or also follows a stepwise mechanism which is as follows;

Concerted Mechanism:

Concerted MechanismStepwise Mechanism:

Step(1), Formation of acid halide:

Formation of acid halide

Step(2), Formation of carbene:

Mechanism of formation of carbene

Step(3), Formation of ketene:

Formation of ketene

Application of Wolf Rearrangement:

The application of wolf rearrangement is as follows;

  • Ring Contraction Reaction
  • Higher Homologous
  • Formation of oxygen (Photochemical Reaction)

(1)Ring Contraction Reaction:

Wolf rearrangement shows ring contraction reaction as follows;


Mechanism of ring contraction reaction:

Mechanism of ring Contraction

Higher Homologous:

By wolf rearrangement we increase carbon chain length.

Reaction :

Reaction of higher homologous


Here we use selective oxidizing agent which is pyridinium chlorochromate and manganese dioxide. Thus;


Mechanism of higher homologous

Formation of Oxyrene

It is also known as photochemical reaction .

3 membered ring is relatively highly unstable and break to form carbene and then ketene formation

Mechanism :

Mechanism of formation  of oxyreneWe also form carboxylic acid, ester and amine by different starting material








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