An Acid catalyzed rearrangement in which 1,2-diol or pinacole is converted to carbonyl compound is called pinacole- pinacolone rearrangement.
Pinacole : 2,3- dimethyl butane-2,3-diolĀ
Pinacolone :3,3-dimethyl-2- butanone
Reaction of Pinacole-pinacolone rearrangement:
Mechanism of pinacole-pinacolone rearrangement:
Mechanism of pinacole-pinacolone rearrangement takes place in four steps
In this step hydroxyl group of pinacole is protonated by acid because reaction takes place in acidic medium.
In this step water is removed and forming a tertiary carbocation, there this carbocation is stable .
In this step, methyl shift takes place to positively charged carbon ion.
In this step oxygen atom is deprotonated giving our product i.e. pinacolone.
Unsymmetrical Pinacolone:
In unsymmetrical pinacolone reaction we form a stable carbocation and we show methyl or either phenyl shift. Thus it show migratory aptitude. Migratory aptitude order is
Here we form
- Stable carbocation
- Migration of suitable group
- Regioselectivity
Mechanism Of Unsymmetrical pinacolone:
In Unsymmetrical pinacolone two possibilities occurs
First Possibilty:
Second Possibility:
- More stable carbocation give more major product
- Less stable carbocation give minor product
Cyclic Pinacole-pinacolone rearrangement:
Cyclic pinacole-pinacolone rearrangement forms spirocylic ring systems. This is also called ring expansion rearrangement.
In this step protonation of hydroxyl group takes place in acidic medium as follows;
In this step removal of water takes place for the formation of carbocation.
Step(03)Methyl shift:
In this step methyl shift takes place for the formation of stable carbocation.
In this step deprotonation of oxygen takes place forming C=O group.