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Pinacole-pinacolone rearrangement
An Acid catalyzed rearrangement in which 1,2-diol or pinacole is converted to carbonyl compound is called pinacole- pinacolone rearrangement. Pinacole : 2,3- dimethyl butane-2,3-diol Pinacolone :3,3-dimethyl-2- butanone Reaction of Pinacole-pinacolone rearrangement: Mechanism of pinacole-pinacolone rearrangement: Mechanism of pinacole-pinacolone rearrangement takes place in four steps Step(01): In this step hydroxyl group of pinacole is protonated by…
Wolf Rearrangement
Define : When an α-diazo ketone is decomposed thermally photo-chemically or catalytically and converted to ketone by removal of dinitrogen, it is called wolf rearrangement. The reaction was given by Ludwing Wolf in 1902. Reaction: When ketene is formed it acts as an intermediate for forming acid Ester and Amide. Mechanism of Wolf Rearrangement: Wolf…
Beckmann Rearrangement
“The acid-induced reaction that converts oxime to amide is called Beckmann rearrangement” In the Beckmann rearrangement, migration of the group does not depend upon migration aptitude but depends upon the orientation of the group related to a hydroxyl group. In…