
What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is the sterol of the higher animals, which occur as free or as fatty esters in all animal cells especially in brain and spinal cord It was first isolated from human gall stones. Gall stones contains almost entirely of cholesterol. It is a white crystalline solid which is optically active . […]

Conjugation in chemistry

What is conjugation in chemistry? The term “conjugated” was coined in 1899 by the German chemist Johannes Thiele. The phenomenon of overlap of p-orbitals with delocalized electrons in a molecule is called conjugation. It generally decreases the overall energy of the molecule and increases the stability of the molecule. It is the overlap of p-orbitals across […]

Benzil-benzilic acid rearrangement | Mechanism

Base-catalyzed reaction in which 1,2-diketone reacts with a hydroxyl ion to give a hydroxyl carboxylate ion, which on acidification yields a hydroxycarboxylic acid. This rearrangement is called benzil-benzilic acid rearrangement. This shows intramolecular disproportionation because the carbon center is oxidized while the other is reduced. Ketone having no adjacent enolizable proton gives this rearrangement; otherwise, […]


[ez-toc] What are steroids? Steroids are a class of natural products which are distributed in animals and plants. Steroids are named after steroid cholesterol which was first discovered in gall stones from Ancient Greek chole means ‘bile’ and stereos means ‘solid’. Sterols, cholesterols, vitamin D, bile acids, sex hormones, adrenal cortex hormones, some carcinogenic hydrocarbons, […]


[ez-toc] What is citral? Citral is an acyclic monoterpene compound. It is made of two isoprene units. It is a colourless liquid. It is one of the major constituents of lemongrass oil. It exhibits geometrical isomerism about the double-bond carbons carrying methyl and aldehydic groups. Citral refers to two geometric isomers with names such as […]

Steroid hormones

What are steroid hormones? A steroid hormone is a steroid that functions as a hormone. Steroid hormones are a class of hormones derived from cholesterol that function as chemical messengers in the body. These are produced in the adrenal cortex, testis, ovary, and some other peripheral tissues. All steroid hormones originate from cholesterol but differ […]


What are terpenoids? [ez-toc] Those organic compounds which are derived from a combination of two or more isoprene units are called terpenoids. Terpenoids form naturally occurring organic compounds, most of which occur in plants and some are obtained from other sources. These are volatile compounds that give odor and fragrances to plants and flowers. They […]


[ez-toc] Carbocations are the most important reactive intermediate in many kinds of reactions, and nucleophilic substitution is one of them. These carbocations have a special place in organic chemistry because of many factors, like their rearrangements to gain stability, etc. Structure and hybridization of carbocation: The central carbon of carbocation is sp2 hybridized because one […]

Introduction Of Natural Products

What are the natural products? Natural products are chemical compounds that are produced from a variety of natural sources, plants, microbes, and animals. [ez-toc] Characteristics of natural products: Two types of characteristics of natural products Chemical characteristics Biological characteristics Chemical characteristics: Small organic compounds that occur in nature including heterocyclic compounds and peptides. And those […]