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Organic Chemistry

Study of covalent compounds of carbon and hydrogen
(C-H) and their derivatives

normality chemistry

What is the definition for Normality? The concentration of the solution expressed in a number of equivalent dissolved per liter of solution is known as the normality chemistry. Normality is represented by N. Units of… Read More »normality chemistry

The mole definition

The mole definition is the amount of a substance that includes the same number of elementary particles (ions, molecules, or atoms) as carbon atom.  moles in chemistry: moles in chemistry is defined as the amount… Read More »The mole definition

Cannizzaro Reaction

Those carbonyl compound which donot  contain α-H  react in the presence of conc. base gives alcohol ( reduced product) and acidic  salt (oxidized Product). Reaction of cannizzaro: Cannizzaro Reaction Mechanism: Step(01) formation of dianion: In… Read More »Cannizzaro Reaction

Steric effect

What is the steric effect? Steric effect is the spatial interaction (non-bonding) due to spatial crowding of bulky groups in a molecule , which affects their stability, properties and reaction rate. Steric effect is one… Read More »Steric effect

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