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Transition elements

What are the transition elements? Those elements, which have partially filled d or f-subshells in atomic state, are called transition elements. The d-block and s-block elements are called transition elements because they are located between… Read More »Transition elements

Sample Collection Process

Sample collection The process of acquiring tissues, fluids, any other sample, or material for laboratory analysis is called the sample collection process. For example, if we want to analyze the protein source, it will be… Read More »Sample Collection Process

Witting Reaction

The reaction in which aldehyde or ketone react with phosphorus ylide to give alkenes and triphenyl phosphine oxide. Actually ylide is a neutral molecule having a negative carbon adjacent to a positive heteroatoms. This phosphorus… Read More »Witting Reaction

Cannizzaro Reaction

Those carbonyl compound which donot  contain α-H  react in the presence of conc. base gives alcohol ( reduced product) and acidic  salt (oxidized Product). Reaction of cannizzaro: Cannizzaro Reaction Mechanism: Step(01) formation of dianion: In… Read More »Cannizzaro Reaction

Favorskii Rearrangement

Base catalyzed rearrangement in which α-halo ketone or cyclopropane having at least one α-H reacts with base give carboxylic acid or their derivatives. In favorskii rearrangement, the base decides our product e.g. if alkoxide is… Read More »Favorskii Rearrangement

Pinacole-pinacolone rearrangement

An Acid catalyzed rearrangement in which 1,2-diol or pinacole is converted to carbonyl compound is called pinacole- pinacolone rearrangement. Pinacole : 2,3- dimethyl butane-2,3-diol  Pinacolone :3,3-dimethyl-2- butanone Reaction of Pinacole-pinacolone rearrangement: Mechanism of pinacole-pinacolone rearrangement:… Read More »Pinacole-pinacolone rearrangement

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