Cannizzaro Reaction

Those carbonyl compound which donot  contain α-H  react in the presence of conc. base gives alcohol ( reduced product) and acidic  salt (oxidized Product).

  • It is base induced disproportionation reaction
  • Here oxidized product is acid and and reduced product is alcohol
  • Here reducing agent show hydride transfer.

Reaction of cannizzaro:

Cannizzaro reaction

Cannizzaro Reaction Mechanism:

Step(01) formation of dianion:

In this  reaction , we use typical base OH which react on less hindered product because our preference is to make acid of that salt which has no steric hindrance . Thus OH attack on formic acid and give dianion.

Formation of dianion

Step(02) hydride shift:

Here hydride of dianion shifted towards benzaldehyde.

hydride shift

Step(03) Deprotonation of water:

In this step  the ions are protonated with water and give respected product.

deprotonation of water

Types of Cannizzaro Reaction:

  1. Simple cannizzaro reaction
  2. Cross Cannizzarro Reaction

Simple Cannizzaro Reaction:

When two same carbonyl compound having no α-H react with each other and give only one product . This type of reaction is called simple cannizarro reaction.

Cannizzaro reaction of benzaldehyde:

Cannizarro reaction of benzaldehyde

Cannizzaro reaction of formaldehyde:

Cannizarro reaction of formaldehyde

Cross Cannizzaro Reaction:

Those reaction in which two different carbonyl compound having no α-H are present react with each other give four different products which as follows;Cross Cannizarro reaction

Cross cannizzaro reaction is also called as intramolecular (with in molecule) reaction.

Example No.01:

Examples of cross cannizarro reaction

Example No.02:

Example of cross cannizarro reaction

Application of Cannizzaro Reaction:

  1. Synthesis of Spiro Compound
  2. Reaction of 2-methyl propanal with formaldehyde

Synthesis of Spiro Compound:

When acetaldehyde and formaldehyde react with each other in the presence of base (OH)-HBr to give bromo compound , which on reduction with zinc/dust give spiro compounds.


synthesis of spiro Compound


Mechanism of spiro compounds

Mechanism of spiro Compound

Mechanism of spiro compounds

Reaction of 2-methyl propanal with formaldehyde:


Reaction of 2 methyl propanal with formaldehyde



Mechanism of 2-methyl propanl with formaldehyde


Mechanism of 2-methyl propanal with fromaldehyde


Mechanism of 2-methl propanal with formaldehyde


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